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Single Cell
With the "Single Cell" function you can place single cell objects, which are first selected from a cell library, in the map window.
Additionally, you can enter a magnification or reduction factor for your selected cell in this dialog. I.e., to double the cell size enter the factor 2 and to reduce the cell to half of its size, enter the factor 0.5.
You can attach the cell name, the cell number and a reference object’s primary key to your cell object in the "Database-Options" area, as long as a fix target layer has been assigned to the cell in the cell library manager. Thereto enter the layer and column names to the corresponding fields. The attributes "Reference layer" and "Reference column" can be assigned to a cell via the cell library manger. This information is optional. The primary key will be taken from the reference column and written in the homonymous column of the target layer. Once this way set cells can always be linked to a reference object via key.
If there are lines, polylines or borders of region objects found inside the tolerance radius of the cursor, the following possibilities may happen: If an end-node of a line/polyline is found inside the snap tolerance radius, the following dialog displays:
If a non-end-node of a line/polyline is found inside the tolerance radius of the cursor, or if another line/polyline is attached to the end-node of a line/polyline, so that a bisecting line can be calculated, the following dialog displays:
Option: "Anchor point on segment": If a node is found on the line segment inside the tolerance radius of the cursor, the anchor point of the cell will be situated on this node. Otherwise the anchor point will be situated on the line.
Option: "Added rotation": With this option you can rotate the cell (additionally to the cell rotation scpecified in the cell manager) in direction of the segment or the bisecting line.
Examples: a) Cell at the end of a line/polyline:
b) Cell at a non-end node of a polyline: